Tax Update: Request for Exemption of VAT on E-Commerce Applicable to Certain Financial Services
Subject: Tax

On August 22, 2024, the General Department of Taxation (GDT) replied to the inquiry made by the Association of Banks in Cambodia and the Cambodia Microfinance Association regarding the exemption of the VAT reverse charge on certain financial services in e-commerce.

The exempted services consist of:

  • Costs associated with education and training, such as e-learning resources.
  • Legal services obtained from overseas sources.
  • Compensation for independent directors.
  • Risk assessment services provided by agencies like MOODY's, S&P, and FITCH.
  • Monthly charges for payment transactions processed through foreign correspondent banks.
  • Fees associated with international money transfers.
  • Expenses related to securing loans from abroad, inclusive of interest and service charges.
  • Money transfer services facilitated through SWIFT or BOTTOMLINE (excluding yearly fees for system usage), etc.